We used to think...
Professional Learning (PL) for teachers of Multilingual Learners (ML) should focus solely on teachers, who benefited the most from an understanding of best practices for multilingual literacy instruction.
Now we know...
Professional Learning should also include school and district leadership so that they can understand and support the work that teachers do in the classroom.
Best Practice Strategies
To cultivate a supportive multi-language learning environment:
School Leaders
Engage in literacy Professional Learning (PL) to help build content expertise. Rather than focus on instructional practices, coaches must be trained on how to focus coaching cycles on language and literacy.
Develop PLC agendas focus on current initiatives in literacy. with effective follow-up & continuous support.
Engage in benchmark literacy data review to set goals, track progress and identify district, school, and grade-level trends. Data from these meetings informs how support and resources are allocated and determine additional PL needed to deepen professional learning for teachers.
Use tools that are aligned with research based best practices for literacy and language development to observe schoolwide trends and provide feedback to teachers
IRIS Center - Vanderbilt University
Modules・IRIS/Vanderbilt University
This resource provides information for English Learners and Dual Language settings.
Planned Language Approach: Focus on Phonological Awareness
Webinar (video)・Head Start/United States Department of Health and Human Services
This webinar gives an overview of phonological awareness and how it is developed within an integrated approach within an early childhood setting.
Data Protocol
PLC Data Protocol・Friziellie, Schmidt, & Spiller 2018/SolutionTree.com
This resource provides generic structures to follow during a PLC that focuses on data review.
PLC Agenda
Agenda・Monica Aguilar, Design Group
PLC time is used to compare data across district, brainstorm follow-up assessments, fine-tune/allign rubrics for assessments with administrators and/or coach present as grade level meets. Rather than just following an assessment provided or gear for a specific curriculum, teachers have the flexibility to adjust focus of teaching based on standards/areas of need. It allows teachers to further dissect what could be possible struggles/or setbacks for example, language barriers in wording of assessments.
Curriculum Analysis Rubric (Google account required)
Rubric・Mike Ray, Romy Trigg-Smith, Sandra Prades-Bertran & Dr. Bernadette Pilar Zermeño/Design Group/OUSD
This rubric allows district members and teachers to analyze curriculum for HQIM with a focus on MLLs.
Stages Rubric for Leaders
Rubric・Oakland Unified School District
Leaders have a rubric to determine the different stages to review English Language Development Implementation
EdReports Quality Instructional Materials Tool: English Language Arts K-2 Review Tool
The Quality Instructional Material Tool・Ed Reports
A rubric/tool focused on Foundational skills created by Ed reports to support curriculum analysis.
OUSD Ethnic Studies
Website・Oakland Unified School District
This website offers framework & resources to teach students who have been historically marginalized, a space to learn about their history, and develop their academic identity in knowing that the classroom is a place for them to understand themselves, their family and communities in order to take action.
Check in sheet
PDF・Branching Minds
This is a generic form where data can be inputted for review during a MTSS data check. This allows for a team to check where students are at and what interventions can be put in place for a student or a group of students.
Foundational Skills Observation Tool
PDF・Student Achievement Partners/Achieve the Core