We used to think...
A standard assessment report sent home for each student was adequate to keep families informed of their child’s progress and performance in school
Now we know...
Providing families and students with ongoing digestible, accessible, and translated assessment information facilitates family and student agency in order to use the data to develop actionable plans that include supporting their child’s literacy development in home language and English.
Best Practice Strategies
To cultivate a supportive multi-language learning environment:
Provide opportunities for parents to meet and learn about the grade level standards, instructional approaches, and assessments.
Give students opportunities to practice with applicable assessment formats prior to formal assessments.
Student Led Conferences
Teaching Channel
This resource helps families be able to learn about grade level standards and assess childs current level of literacy and language development. Teachers demonstrate strategies and provide ideas on how families can support literacy learning at home. Translators are available to facilitate communication and understanding.
Engaging and Goal-Setting with Families
Early Childhood National Centers
Edulastic State Test Prep
This website is free for educators to join and assign practice tests with technology-enhanced questions and actual state-released items. Teachers can assign precreated assessments or create their own on specific content. The site mimics the CAASPP platform. There are other assessments available as well.
Spanish Students Self-Assessment
Sandra Prades-Bertran, Design Group
This is a sample of a student self-assessment in Spanish for a literacy fiction unit.